The Brief:
The project, over recent summer holiday breaks, was to transform the 1950s Science Laboratories into
current, modern facilities befitting a school of AGS’ standing and reflecting the quality of Science
Department teaching and examination results.
We were tasked with creating space for 15 Laboratories (5 each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and
Technicians’ Preparation Rooms for each Science. Working closely with Blackwood Architects of Aylesbury, who were employed by the school, a new facility for the Biology Department was built between the existing Laboratories and the
Sports Hall and the existing buildings were reconfigured for the Physics and Chemistry Departments.
What we did:
Through consultation with the Heads of Department and Technical Staff we planned the Laboratories to be subject specific to encompass all elements of the demanding teaching curriculum.
Throughout the Sciences, all students are forward facing. All of the Chemistry Laboratories have three Fume Cupboards each manufactured and installed through our trading partnership with Fumetec of Manchester - www.fumetec.co.uk
Each Science department is clearly identified through the use of different coloured doors and panels whilst maintaining uniform carcass, frame and top colours. All tops are manufactured by Velstone and finished in Silver Dust.
We also created a new Science Department Staff Room accommodating teaching staff with individual workstations and storage.
Click through the images below to see the transformation

Aylesbury Grammar School Biology

Aylesbury Grammar School Chemistry

Aylesbury Grammar School Physics